Become A Member

Become a Member of the Stanthorpe Chamber of Commerce.

A membership of the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce is a business tool – not a magic formula to have customers/clients instantly knocking down your door.

As with any tool, it has a specific purpose and should be used in conjunction with all of your business plans and actions.  Used correctly, this tool can become a valuable asset to your business!

What happens after you join?

When you first join as a member of the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce, all other members are notified and your business details are placed in our various publications, present and future.

If this is the only reason you have joined, then read no further as we have fulfilled your membership expectations – BUT…

If you want to use your membership to it’s full advantage, then “show your face” and we will help you promote your business to your fellow members and the community at large.

***Special Half Year Offer***
Half Year Memberships are now available. Join now and your membership will run until 30 June 2025.

Individual/not a business owner $55 $110
Community groups/Not for profit $55 $110
All Businesses $110 $220

We provide the Networking facilities & tools – you need to participate…

Every month we provide at least one opportunity for you to get amongst your fellow members to “strut your stuff”.

Take advantage of promoting yourself and your business to potential clients and a future ongoing source of business owners recommending your products/services to others.

Your attendance at our meetings, events, forums and other Chamber activities is vital if you wish your business to be the first your fellow members recommend. YOU are the face of your business and Chamber members need to keep seeing that face as a constant reminder of who you are and what you do.

We provide the Promotion opportunities (tool) – you need to support them…

We understand that it is not possible for you to attend all of our events and activities – please support us where you can.

We brand the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce & we need you to promote us…

Every day, the Chamber Executive is finding opportunities and avenues to promote our profile of who we are and what we do.

The branding of the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce takes many forms – it can be anything from forming partnerships, gaining local press coverage when taking on business issues in the former Stanthorpe Shire, sponsoring local events, both business and community – just to name a few.

The Chamber needs your assistance in this branding by promoting that you are a member. This can be achieved in many ways:

On all your printed material (letterheads, invoices, brochures, business cards etc) include the words “Proud Member of Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce” and/or the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce logo (that we are happy to provide to you).

Promote our events and Chamber information by displaying the posters and other printed material available, prominently in your place of business. Also include our events information on your website and emails.

Display your Membership Certificate, Chamber Awards and Appreciation Certificates in a prominent position in your place of business.

These are just a few suggestions that will increase the branding of the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt Chamber of Commerce. The main concept of branding is the association of our logo with what we do and who we are.

We provide the information – you need to act on it…

We provide our members with up to date information relating to our activities and the state of business in general. This is usually in the form of emails and in local publications.

As a member, you need to read this information ASAP and act on it accordingly. This can be anything from events/activities, to your opinions, to completing business and Chamber surveys.

We have the contacts when you need them…

Through the Stanthorpe Chamber’s affiliation with other business groups and Associations, our contacts with Local, State and Federal Government representatives and our database, we provide our members with information, contacts and advocation representation.

Done it? Doing it? Did it? We will promote it!

Stanthorpe Chamber members need to keep us informed – your business initiatives, triumphs and activities – so that we can promote these to the members of the community at large through our various publications.

This is a simple matter of sending us an email with ALL the details.

Participate and your return will be tenfold!

Just ask any Stanthorpe Chamber member who takes advantage of the opportunities available and included in their membership and you will find that all have received their contributions back ‘tenfold’ from the Chamber.

Active members are always on the top of the list and are offered any new opportunity first. They receive promotion of their business far beyond the criteria of their contribution and far beyond the expiry date!